Water test
All of the tests on this page done on the filters described
on this website were performed by epa certified labortories:
The City of
Everett, Washington Evironmental Labortory
AmTest in Kirkland
IMPORTANT:None of the water that goes
through any of the filters described on this website is being used
potable water. To do so would require that the water be tested on a
regular basis for turbidity and biological contamination;
and would require the addtion of a UV filter at the point of use.
The water is being used for irrigation and cleaning without
any further filtering.
We have found that if water from this roof is not filtered, it will
go horrificly stagnant in the summer. None of the water that
has gone through any of the filters here has ever gone stagnant in
the 8 years we have been running the filters. The roof at this
is surrounded by trees. We are deep in the forest. There are lots
of sources of biological contamination here, that may not be
present at another location without trees and abundant
MAY BE IN THE WATER. Anything can be in water.
Test results from the new filter May / June / October

This is the first test in May. The filter has not fully developed
the biological layer.

This is the second test received on June 3, 2008.
The new filter is now working.

This is the most recent test on the new filter
This is the first test on the new filter design
with AWWA / NSF approved sand
Below are the test results from the original filter:

Water Sample test results post-filter August 8 2007. BEFORE the
.15mm sand was added. Not using a first-flush diverter on the roof
water source.

Water sample tests pre-filter and post-filter Oct. 18 2007. AFTER
the .15mm sand was added. Not using a first flush diverter on the roof
water source.

Water sample tests pre-filter and post-filter for Feb 2008. AFTER
the .15mm sand was added. Using a first-flush diverter on the roof
water source, and the recirculating pump system wherein raw water
is added once a day in amounts less than 5 gallons, with as many as
3 consecutive days where no raw water is added and temperatures are
at or below freezing (32 degrees F)

Below are the tests on the "old
filter" also called filter 1. These are
the tests that show how much petroleum pollution comes from this
compostion roof and how much is removed. 
Below are the most recent tests
showing Total Organic Carbon removal, and compliance with the
Snohomish county requirements:
The test shown below shows that filter 1 produces water that passes
the Snohomish county requirements for levels of pollutants present.
And also passes the epa requirements, which are essentially the
same as the Snohomish county requirements.

Below are the Pond filter coliform test results and results of the
turbidity tests:

So far, what conclusions can we draw from all of the test
Most importanly THESE TESTS DO NOT
CASES. Only E Coli, Fecal coliform, coliform bacteria, and
petroleum hydrocarbons have been shown to be removed by filter 1 in
this situation, and filter 2 and 3 have not been tested for
petroleum hydrocarbon removal. However the most recent test on
filter 1 does show that the output water passes the EPA test and
the local county test for safe drinking water by comfortable
margins. Also note that water from different areas may contain
different substances.
1.The tests show all coliform bacteria are removed: E Coli, Fecal
coliform, and coliform in the filter design with .15mm sand
2. The addition of the first flush diverter and/or the cold
weather, or a combination of cold weather, more water, and the
diverter have (apparently?) reduced (but not eliminated) the amount
of coliform bacteria in the water taken from this roof.
3. The biological activity of the filter does not completely stop
in weather at near freezing temperatures; and after several days of
inactivity while frozen, the functionality of this filter, in this
situation, was not adversely effected.
4. A first flush diverter will not safely remove all bacteria from
water taken from this roof.
5. Near freezing temperatures will not eliminate all coliform
bacteria from the water taken from this roof.
6. It is not safe to consume unfiltered/unpurified water taken from
this roof even though there is a diverter in the system.
7. From a bacteriological standpoint, the water from this slow sand
filter is safe to consume in summer temperatures, fall temperatures
and winter temperatures in this area - providing the filter is
properly operated and maintained, and not completely frozen.
8. We do not know the nature of all chemical pollution of the water
from this filter.
9. With respect to chemical pollution other than petroleum
hydrocarbons, more filtering/testing would be necessary to confirm
that the water from this filter / supply system is safe to consume
over long periods of time.
10. With regard to health, it is prudent to err on the side of
caution and assume that water from a roof is not safe to drink
without filtering and testing.
11.Based on the above tests, We do not know with certainty what
viruses are present or not present in the post-filter water.
12.Since coliform bacteria are removed, viruses called "Phages" or
"Bacteriophages" that occupy coliform may also removed; but we do
not know for sure.
13.Since the test for pathogens did not specifically include tests
for all viruses; if the water is to be used on a regular basis for
drinking, the use of a uv filter is highly recommended.
14.Coarse sand is not as effective as fine sand in the removal of
bacteria in the filters tested here.
15.Some of the pre-filter samples do not contain large enough
amounts of coliform bacteria to aggressively challenge filter 2 and
filter 3.
16.A slow sand filter will remove petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants
from roof water runoff taken from the roof in ths study.
17.A first flush diverter will also remove petroleum hydrocarbon
pollutants from the same water.
18.This slow sand filter still works in freezing temperatures (0
deg C).
19.The system in this study will improve the quality of roof water
from this roof to exceed class AA standards for coliform bacteria
presence by a factor of 5.
20.The numbers of coliform in roof water from the roof in this test
can vary considerably, from none present, to thousands
21.The slow sand filter does not accumulate and pass on to the
output water a significant amount of the hydrocarbons that are
present in the input water that has been flowing through it daily
for 2 years, however it does not remove them completely.
22.The reduction of the level of hydrocarbons from the input to
filter 1 (TPH - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons) present in filter 1
output water exceeds any US EPA standards now set for TPH
contamination in ground water.
23. The filters should be cleaned at least once a year; as total
organic carbon increases as the schmutzdecke ages.
24. Lead and Mercury from this composition roof are not present in
the output water.
25. Total Organic carbon in the output water is reduced
considerably by filter 2 and filter 3.
26. The water collected from this composition roof and run through
the slow sand filter system of filter1 meets the Snohomish county
requirments for drinking water purity by comfortable margins.
27. Only filter 1 has been sufficiently challenged by large numbers
of microbes, and successfully removed them. Although there is a
preponderance of research documenting capabilites of pathogen
removal far beyond what has been shown in these results; with
respect to potable water, one cannot safely make the assumption
that these filters will work well beyond the parameters shown
28. The pond filter keeps water free of fecal coliform
29. The red laser "visual test" is not accurate as a scientific
quantifiable indicator of turbidity levels, but does give a general
indication of turbidity over 1 ntu.
30. A slow sand filter will produce water that passes turbidity
tests required for drinking water purity, and will make water
clear enough to be used with a UV light water sterilization
process. (less than 1 ntu)
1: WARNING! Racoons carry
parasites in their digestive systems (Baylisascaris procyonis)
often called racoon roundworms, that are usually harmless to the
racoons. These roundworms each produce millions of eggs which can
persist in the environment for years and can cause serious illness
in people. Chlorine, alcohol or ozone will not kill
them.43, 44, 45,
46 Rooftops may be contaminated by these parasites' eggs
if there is a racoon latrine on the roof, and rainwater may pick
them up and deposit them in rainbarrels. Even though a functioning
slow sand filter should remove these eggs, (they are larger than 50
microns) this study has not tested for the removal of these
parasites' eggs.
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