This is the drainpipe assembly with the caps installed.
It is just sitting on top of the container
for the sake of taking the picture. The output of the drainpipe
assembly is hooked to a "bulkhead
fitting" sometimes called a "bulkhead adapter". This keeps the
output pipe from leaking where it passes through the filter

This is how the drain pipes look when they are installed
the container. This container is 40 inches deep.

There is a short piece of 1/2 inch pvc that hooks this up to the
baffle assembly.

This is a close-up of the threaded bushing and threaded male
adapter. Only 1 o ring is shown but 2 are needed - one on the
inside of the bucket and one on the outside of the bucket.

A 3/4 inch spade bit was used to drill a hole in the bottom of
the bucket. The male adapter and threaded bushing were then
installed with a number 16 o ring on each side of the bucket. The
adapter and bushing are 1/2 inch.

This ball valve is used to set the flow to the same rate as the
output of the filter.

The container used for the filter came with a top with 1 hole in
the center. Another "vent" hole was added on each side to allow air
(oxygen) to circulate through to the water in the filter. The
"vent" holes are covered by screens. This illustration shows the
baffle pipes hooked up through the top. They are just
"friction-fit" into the adapter that has been installed in the
bottom of the bucket. The small holes in the baffle pipes are
drilled with a number 50 drill bit. They allow the water to
slowly flow into the filter. This keeps the surface of the
sand and the biofilm from being disturbed.

This is the drain that was added to allow the wet-harrowing
water to drain off. Note the screen in the vent hole on top of the
lid near the bottom of the bucket. The hole for this screen was
drilled with a 3/4 inch spade bit.

The completed filter hooked up to the automatic recirculating
Please note:This is not a "production"
model and is not intended to be aesthetically pleasing - it is
strictly funtional.

Open this valve to allow water to flow through the filter
rapidly to wash the sand. Keep in mind that this valve, if open all
the way, will let water flow through the filter too fast for
purification. back to faq

This is the pump used to recirculate the water. It runs on 12
volts dc. supplied by a 12 volt deep cycle battery
The pressure switch was added for dependabiltiy and pressure
adjustment flexibilty. The flow is controlled by the ball valve
shown above. DANGER! do not use a
120 volt ac motor
in this fashion. This motor is outdoors under cover but still not
safe with 120 volt operations (either ac or dc). The surrounding
area is usually wet which adds to the conductivity greatly
increasing the likelyhood of a dangerous shock. Although a fuse
will not protect against electricial shocks, it will keep a short
or overload from causing extensive damage. Always, ALWAYS, use a
fuse of appropriate amperage in your circuit.
Keep in mind, that if you are using a battery charger that runs on
110 volts ac on your battery, you are effectively connected to 110
volts ac. If the battery charger transformer or circuit, gets wet
or shorts out, there could likely be 110 volts at the motor with
enough current to create a hazardous condition without blowing the
dc fuse. Consult a licensed electrician before you hook this up.
You have been warned!

This is the baffle before cleaning. Note the small piece of 1/2
inch pvc at the center. That is how it connects to the bucket
through the top. It just frictions in. It won't matter if it leaks
slightly because the water will end up in the filter as it flows
through the air vent.